Saturday, February 19, 2011

Re-constructed Tee

I have been a Marcy Tilton fan for many years, ever since almost 10 years ago when I went on one of her shopping trips through San Francisco (I'd love to go on one of her Paris trips that she's doing nowadays!). I've collected just about all her Vogue patterns and love her design philosophy which seems to be "make what you think looks good" and have gotten many ideas from her tee- shirt gallery    Marcy's Tee's

I've just re-made one of her tee's that I made last winter .  Here's the original which I loved in cold weather:

 And here I am wearing it with my Au Bonheur tunic last winter  


  It was wonderfully warm and snug for winter wear but that tight neck and sleeves already feel too hot to wear for sping.  So I "reconstructed it" and came up with this:  (I'm wearing my new Vogue 8712 Tilton pants with it)

        I started with the neck, which was very snug, high and hot on the original, took off the old neckband and used some different fabric to make a "twisted neckband" inspired by this pattern from Marcy, Vogue 8582 "twisted collar top"

Next, using Marcy's ideas from her tee-shirt gallery, I gathered more fabric that I liked to add onto the tee, this time using inspiration from an Au Bonheur pattern I had made and review previously: Au Bonheur Top

           I especially like the added gusset on the front side, which breaks up up the wide horizantal expanse and used the ruffle that is only on the back of this pattern all around on my tee.  This helped add some length which my original needed in order to be worn out over this length of pant.

What fun I've had with this "remake", using as inspiration my 2 favorite designers---Marcy Tilton and Au Bonheur patterns (which you can order here  )   They are very user friendly even if you don't know French and I encourage every sewer who likes something a little different to give them a try!  Sew on and happy long weekend----pegsewer


  1. Oh my, oh my, you do challenge me to do some thinking about my staid wardrobe. I did stop in at Goodwill after seeing your skirt. I bought a garment that I plan to salvage some of the details for shirt/jacket.

  2. Really neat, Peggy. You are such a moving target!!!

  3. Please tell more about the wrapped collar effect on the red one!
